Artícle de la Dra. Consuelo León a The Conversation

Advance of women in science is unstoppable, but less so in STEM careers and chairs

Female academics and researchers in Europe are still at a clear disadvantage compared to their male colleagues. Men reach the position of chair and department management as well as university government to a greater proportion, according toInform U- Multirank, a tool that analyses over 30 indicators around teaching, learning, research, knowledge transfer, education, international orientation and regional participation in 2,200 institutions in 96 countries.

This same study indicates that women represent half of undergraduate and master’s degree students, and the percentage is slightly lower among doctoral students (48%) and academic staff (45%). However, in the position of full professor the distance is significantly greater: 29% of female professors compared to 71% of male professors. As for rectors and vice-rectors, the proportion is 1 to 5.

In regard to research, the presence of women in educational institutions with more resources is lower: they represent 24%. This figure rises to 36% in centres with a lower percentage of investment for research.

In general, institutions with a majority of graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) have fewer female students and less female academic staff. In contrast, women exceed 50% in areas such as nursing, social work, education and psychology.

This same study indicates that women represent half of undergraduate and master's degree students, and the percentage is slightly lower among doctoral students (48%) and academic staff (45%).

One positive aspect is that there are areas of knowledge with a more balanced representation between men and women such as business sciences, political science, history and chemistry.

Why do these cultural and educational patterns persist? The importance of good references during early childhood and primary school, professional orientation at secondary level, professional decision-making at the end of university studies and the dynamics of university work culture are likely to be behind these differences.

Female presence decreases as academic level advances

In Spain, according to the 2021/2022 CYD Report , the presence of women among teaching and research staff has increased in the last 5 years, especially in the figure of university professor (an increase of 4.3 points). However, it is still the category with the lowest female participation: 25.6% of professors are women, a notable difference if we consider that women represent 43.3% of the total teaching and research staff.

This same report points out that there are more women than men enrolled in university. The data is more than significant because it indicates a clear trend: the progress and desire for the advancement of women at university. However, female presence decreases as the academic level rises.

Although there has been slow and sustained growth in the last 20 years, the report also questions the low presence of women in degrees linked to STEM careers. One example is that of IT studies: female students do not make up even 14%. This is worrying, because more and better job offers are being generated in the emergence of new professions in these fields.

Only a quarter of professors in Catalonia

Also in Catalonia, according to data provided by the Department of Research and Universities (UNEIX, 2021), the reality is very similar: 25.5% of female professors compared to 74.5% of male professors. According to the same source there is also the paradox that in Catalonia, women are over-represented in undergraduate and master’s studies (60% are women), and that figure is inverted for pre- and post-doctoral grants (58% are men).

One can therefore speak of a clear horizontal segregation in the choice of studies, as well as a vertical segregation or glass ceiling in academic progression. This segregation affects both advancement in research careers, especially in the figure of professors, and in the presence of women in positions of responsibility of university management.

How to reverse the trend

What can we do to address this situation? A report published by the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering entitled Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering offered a possible diagnosis as well as measures to reverse this trend in the United States.

According to this report, the low presence of women in STEM fields and at the highest academic levels is the result of external factors that have nothing to do with their capacity, interest or technical skills. The origin lies rather in what academic literature has traditionally referred to as “glass ceilings”.

According to this report, the low presence of women in STEM fields and at the highest academic levels is the result of external factors that have nothing to do with their capacity, interest or technical skills.

The established academic culture in which women are under-represented in positions of decision-making and academic leadership is also visible, which may discourage female teaching staff from the possibility of reaching these positions.

This glass ceiling may cause some women to self-impose barriers that limit their own careers But also because of the different ways demands of work and family are experienced by gender, which affect decisions about the academic career itself. The established academic culture in which women are under-represented in positions of decision-making and academic leadership is also visible, which may discourage female teaching staff from the possibility of reaching these positions.

This glass ceiling may cause some women to self-impose barriers that limit their own careers: what experts call implicit biases. We could call them “cement ceilings”, which are more difficult to break through because they depend on a change of perspective in certain areas or positions, especially occupied by men such as STEM careers and management positions.

A careful combination of external measures, corporate culture, female educational role models in these areas and, above all, an improvement in female determination and self-perception is necessary to reverse this trend. Willpower must come from inside each person.

Working on female role models and self-perception is important

Why, and at what point are women’s bright career paths lost or directed towards other sectors far from research and science? Academia has a responsibility to address this issue with rigour and courage, especially within the framework of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated each 11 February.

Perhaps the example of scientists [de científiques] who did overcome these and other more forceful and explicit barriers could serve as inspiration: such as Hypatia of Alexandria or Hildegard of Bingen in ancient history; Anne Conway and Ada Lovelace in later centuries; and of course Rosalind Franklin, a decisive partner in the discovery of DNA; or Margarita Salas, who initiated the development of molecular biology; and Piedad de la Cierva, who led a civilian laboratory in a military environment. Their lives are a vivid illustration of strong determination

It is in our hands to cultivate the awareness of this progress, but also of the challenges that remain. Educational institutions from primary education to university, should assume this role. Es tracta de continuar treballant en el disseny de mesures que facin visible el talent femení i que inspirin les generacions futures. This change in the professional and educational culture will make it possible for all talent to flourish with a bright future, including that of those girls who once wanted to be scientists.

Dr Consuelo León
Head of the Equality Office and Director of the Observatory on Family Policies of UIC Barcelona

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