Institutional Greetings

25 years of dedication and passion



UIC Barcelona is the institution it is today thanks to the commitment of the people who believed and believe in the project.

Committed to the University's mission: to promote knowledge, research and transfer, dedicating time and effort to lifelong learning, with the aim of changing the world.

Mr Miguel Ángel Cazcarra

President of the UIC Barcelona Board of Trustees

Jordi Cervós i Navarro had been in Germany for more than forty years as a researcher, professor and vice-rector of the Freie Universität Berlin when the Board proposed he take up the role of rector of a new university to be founded in Barcelona. He accepted the mandate, and with commitment, enthusiasm and without looking back, he forged ahead because he believed in the project.

UIC Barcelona was finally born in 1997. Since then, many others have believed in it, convinced that to educate the youth of today is to transform the society of tomorrow. I am proud to be able to experience and celebrate this 25th anniversary with all of you. On behalf of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the University, I would like to thank all those whom we have entrusted with the complex task of carrying out the project. Thank you to all the rectors and members of the governing boards over these 25 years, and to all the teaching, administration and service staff who have kept the mission and spirit of this University alive with dedication and commitment.


Dr Alfonso Méndiz

Rector of UIC Barcelona

UIC Barcelona is a reality, and a commitment to the future. We want to celebrate that we are now a quarter of a century old, and that no one can stop us in our desire to improve; we are dedicated to constantly working in favour of quality teaching, of excellence in research and in knowledge transfer in order to impact on society.

In 1997, the dream of a group of people who believed that it was possible to establish a new university with its own identity, which offered quality training, centred on people, and with a clear desire for social commitment, became a reality.

Now, 25 years later, UIC Barcelona is a reality, a commitment to the future. We want to celebrate that we are now a quarter of a century old, and that no one can stop us in our desire to improve; we are dedicated to constantly working in favour of quality teaching, of excellence in research and in knowledge transfer in order to impact on society.

Following in the path of our founders, we know that with effort, zeal and self-improvement, everything is possible and dreams become reality.

Thank you, from all of us, to all those who have believed, and continue to believe, in this project that has become a reality, to those who during these past 25 years have dedicated body and soul and have given your time, commitment and dedication. Thank you also to the institutions and companies that have believed in our university. Thank you, everyone, from the bottom of our hearts.

Dr Cristina Monforte

Vice-rector of Research and Knowledge Transfer, and vice-rector of Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff

UIC Barcelona is focussed on contributing to the development of knowledge, technology and improving quality of life. Our research is focused on scientific advances that respond to the needs of society. We support the best research talent, promoting competitive calls, and guaranteeing an open, transparent and merit-based contracting process.

Over these past 25 years, UIC Barcelona has gone from being a new and emerging university to occupying a recognised space within the Catalan university system. It has become part of a competitive environment thanks to the acquisition of talent, to constant innovation in teaching and research methods, and knowledge transfer with a real impact on society. Today, we are connected to society and business through sixteen chairs and four sponsored classrooms, five research institutes and three university clinics.”

Congratulations to all those who have made it possible for us to reach this point: we will continue to work and move forward with our focus on excellence.

Dr Esther Jiménez

Vice-rector of the University Community of UIC Barcelona

We have a wonderful year ahead of us to celebrate. 2 October 2022 is only the beginning of a great celebration, which will continue until June 2023 with the closing of the academic year. It will be a year full of extraordinary activities open to both the university community and their families, and to society in general. It will be a good opportunity to show the world who we are, what we do, how we do it, and where we are going.

We are a university community of more than 8,000 students and 25,000 alumni of a hundred different nationalities: a rich, diverse and inclusive community UIC Barcelona welcomes everyone, without distinction or discrimination. The 25th anniversary is the celebration of each one, it is your celebration, of all those who have been part of this project. We encourage you to actively participate enthusiastically experience the events programme that we have eagerly prepared. Congratulations to everyone!

Ms Belén Castro

General secretary

On October 2, 1997, the approval of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya was published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC). Since then, a quarter of a century has passed in which we have undergone different legislative changes and reforms in the university system. We have been able to adapt to change, and we have done so by always maintaining our spirit and identity.

As a private, non-profit university, we believe in tireless work well done: we want to provide a service to society through teaching and scientific research tasks aimed at professional qualification, and the scientific, cultural and humanist education of our students.

Mr Josep Maria Torné

General Manager

In recent years, we have experienced a major structural change in our university, which has resulted in new investments in infrastructure. Much work has been carried out to respond to the logistics of the new size of the University, and of its needs as a result. We currently have two campuses, in Barcelona and Sant Cugat del Vallès, which house eight faculties, five research institutes, three university clinics, a doctoral school, and an experience campus.

Over the course of the 25 years, the institution has invested primarily in the people who make up the university. The growth in infrastructure or technological equipment has always responded according to the mission of the University, to guarantee high quality education that strives toward excellence, and to focus especially on sustainability in everything we do.

In these current times of energy and climate crisis, it is the responsibility of everyone to be responsible in the use of resources while ensuring that the institution’s internal processes are optimised at the same time. Accordingly, we find ourselves immersed in a full digital transformation which will allow us to make a technological and organisational leap forward in our university.

Ms Carme Riera

Director of Economic Management

Beyond numerical data, the people are the most important part of our university . A university at the service of society, with a committed community that through its efforts, makes the world more humane. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, I would like to take this time to thank all the teaching, administration and service staff, students and alumni for their dedication to making it possible. We would especially like to thank all the people, companies and institutions that have in some way collaborated with this university project, as well as all the organisations that give us their strategic support.

Congratulations for these 25 years! It is a source of pride to be part of an institution in which people are its main asset. UIC Barcelona is a self-made university that has grown up as a large family in which its greatest wealth is the work and daily efforts of all those who participate and form a part of it.