
25 stories

Alumni stories

UIC Barcelona is the institution it is today thanks to the commitment of the people who believed and believe in the project.

On the occasion of our university’s 25th birthday, we have selected 25 outstanding alumni from various faculties and graduating classes, who represent the core values of UIC Barcelona. The selected alumni stand out for their social commitment, professional careers and inspiring examples of self-improvement. We have approached all of them in order to find out how their time at the university has influenced their professional careers, what values the University has contributed to them, the importance of maintaining links with their classmates, as well as to obtain advice for recent graduates, among other relevant topics.

Arts and humanities

Axel Oliver

Axel Oliver

Reporter and television producer at UNIMAS Miami, USA.

Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, graduating class of 2012

“What I has made an impression on me was the quality of the people and experts that I was in contact with at the University. Solid professionals with long careers in the communication world. Having the opportunity to learn from people like Salvador Aragonés, reknown journalist and correspondent; Eduard Berraondo, pioneer at Catalunya Ràdio and TV3; or Ima Sanchís, one of the creators of the famous ‘La Contra’ in the La Vanguardia newspaper, was priceless. Experts who, above all, shone for their human quality guiding us to the future that lay ahead.”

“Having teachers with such an important trajectory challenged me and allowed me to dream about the possibility of becoming someone as known in journalism as my teachers were. Not in terms of fame or recognition, but in skills that are not seen, but are perceived with just a look and a few seconds of conversation.”

Anna Armengol

Knowledge Manager, Logistics & Supply Chain Department, Doctors without Borders Spain Barcelona, España.

Film and Media Studies, 2019

“Thanks to the BEA grants awarded by UIC Barcelona, I had the opportunity to study what I wanted, so being one of the Alumni chosen to represent the University means being able to give something back for all I received, which would not have been possible without the trust they placed in me a few years ago.”

“At the University we had a space to discover, try and make mistakes, always supported by magnificent actively working professionals who were also great teachers. Thanks to this, I was able to find my strengths and the path to follow professionally, and face everything with the security of feeling prepared having good training supporting me.”

“Since graduation, I have been able go back to the University several times to ask for professional advice from former teachers, and as a former student, tell my post-university experience to current students. The doors have always been open to me and coming back to visit has always been a pleasure.”

Anna Armengol
Mamen Sala

Mamen Sala

U.S. Correspondent for Mediaset, France 24 and La Razón. New York, USA

Journalism, 2006

"I still have my group of university friends, and even though I live in New York now, and we don’t see each other as much as I would like, every time I go to Spain everyone puts for the effort to get together, which is precious and something I am thankful for. This connection is important to me because I shared the best years of my life with them and there is a common denominator linking all of us: our love for journalism. I also think that being a journalist is a way of living and understanding life, with unstable and sometimes very long hours, that we all share and can support each other."

"Studying Journalism at UIC Barcelona, and later Criminology, allowed me to access a world that is important to me: contacts and professional work placements. I think the highly competent teaching staff is the point that sets UIC Barcelona apart from other universities."

Silvana Bergson Rozenbaum

Director of Metroveinte Gestión Cultural [event management] and coordinator of the National Institute of Visual Arts of Uruguay. Uruguay.

Master’s Degree in Arts and Cultural Management, 2004

“My experience at UIC Barcelona made a big impact on my professional career. There was a be before and after in my education, prompting the decision to work professionally and full time in cultural management. There was no tertiary training in cultural management at that time in Uruguay, and that is why I decided to cross the ocean.”

“In turn, the fact of leaving Montevideo and going to live in Barcelona, was an adventure, a life experience that connected me with the city and its cultural production, with top rate professionals and allowed me to develop personal ties with my classmates, which that I still have to this day.”

“My best wishes to the students; may your experience be as positive and enriching as mine. My time there moulded me, inspired me and above all encouraged me to make decisions and complete a career in cultural management that would not have happened without this training.”

Silvana Bergson
Jordi Llambias

Jordi Llambias

Director of Marketing and Communication at Esteller. Barcelona, Spain.

Double Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities and Journalism, 2004

"I always say that my experience in college was fantastic. I was fortunate to do a double bachelor’s degree (Journalism and Humanities) that was very enriching, and I was able to develop some real friendships. The career that influenced me the most was Journalism, which what was what I wanted to work in and what I did work in my first eight years in the labour market. Then, my preferences began to change a bit, even though the opportunities always came from the Communication world, new possibilities came that I wanted to take advantage of."

"Many students are unsure and have doubts about the future. My message to them is not become overwhelmed because when they enter the labor market, new paths will open up that right now they can’t even begin to imagine. Laying a strong foundation is important so that, in the future, they also feel acomplished on the economic level."

Social and legal sciences

Juan Vilella Cologan

- Risk Department at the European Investment Bank (EIB) Luxemburgo.

- Business Administration and Management, 2006

“After so many years in the same school, I remember the first day at the University totally out of place, lost and overwhelmed. I started thinking beyond today or the quarter and I really began to think about the important decisions: what I want to be, what I want to do, and how I’m going to do it. In this sense, the University become your batteries and encourages you to see beyond the here and now. On another sense, I always found the work placement programmes very useful. We started working very early on, and I think that was key in my career. Counting those work placements, I have been working seventeen years. And they have gone by fast!”

“I made great friends at UIC Barcelona. I am still in touch with many of them. I love knowing how the rest of the students from my graduating class are doing. We entered the labour market at a crucial time just before the financial crisis and a few years later that changed the world.”

Juan Vilella
Claudia Pierre

Claudia Pierre Trias de Bes

Co-founder and CEO of Meeting Lawyers Barcelona, España.

Law, 2009

“I am proud to be among the 25 selected former students as it is recognition, in some way, as a student to admire professionally who has been helped by the teachings and values of the University. My university experience was magnificent. I learned; I had fun and I made good friends with whom I still have a close friendship even today.”

“To current and future students, this would be my advice. I would encourage you to make the most of your university stage, because it will be advantageous to your when during your work stage. I would recommend that you focus on the day-to-day work as it is the means to reaching your goals. Finally, I would suggest that you work on something you are passionate about because work occupies a big part of the day and if you don’t like your profession, you don’t succeed.”

Montserrat Trapé

Lawyer. Independent director of Criteria Caixa and Melià Hotels International Barcelona, España.

Law INEDE, 1982

“I studied at what was then called INEDE, the seed of what UIC Barcelona is today. Our classes took place then on the sixth floor on Traversera de Gràcia 30. What was attractive was knowing that we were involved, both students, teachers and service staff, being part of something different, new and with a vocation to contribute to society. As time went by, UIC Barcelona consolidated and became a different university.”

“In a very simple environment, we were fortunate to have top-rate teachers, who combined teaching with their professional work. Despite their workload, they always treated us with closeness and exigency, having the clear objective that we acquire what was needed for an excellent and professional service to society.” “Those years left their mark: good work, attention to detail, honesty, respect for the person and the simplicity of a good environment. A mark that has supported us in our professional and personal experience.”

Montserrat Trapé
Laura Arce

Laura Arce

HR Internship Programme Coordinator at HP Barcelona, España.

Business Administration and Management (ADE), 2019

“Many students have studied at UIC Barcelona; that makes me very happy. I think it’s good that people like them can inspire current students.”

“The greeting from the doorman in the mornings, the close attention from the teachers and the time with my classmates in the different extracurricular training activities are the little things that reinforce my conviction that studying at this university was my best choice.”

“My visual disability was not an impediment to study ADE just like everyone else. Perseverance, which I have learned to practice during my studies, together with the resilience that I necessarily practice, have been the best thing I can take with me to my way to the work world.”

“I would tell a current UIC Barcelona students to take advantage of all the resources, training and extracurricular activities the University offers them. They will take all these experiences and soft skills with them.”

Lorena Bassas

Founder and director general for Spain at Top Doctors Barcelona, Spain.

Institute of Law and Economics Studies (INEDE), graduating class of 1995

“Whenever I remember my years at the University I smile. I have fond memories of those years as they were full of emotions. More than anything, they were years of change and responsibility for me. I was fortunate enough to take that big step supported by UIC Barcelona and the values they transmitted to me. Having the support from a strong university was a privilege that gave me confidence and helped me focus on what I really wanted in my career. Everything I learned at UIC Barcelona has influenced me in one way or another in my professional career. It was my springboard to the work world!”

“To the current and future students at the University, I would like to tell them to find their gift and pursue their passion. Put all their effort into what really excites them and makes them happy. With personal effort and UIC Barcelona, professional success is assured.”

Lorena Bassas
Francisca Rodriguez

Francisca Rodríguez Pérez

- Manager of the IMO Foundation. Barcelona, Spain

Business Administration and Management, 2007

"With the bachelor’s degree in Nursing and several master's degrees, including the Master's Degree in Hospital Management, I felt like I was lacking in business knowledge. Then I decided to study Business Administration and Management. It was a fantastic experience because it allowed me to acquire new knowledge and put it into practice in my work"

"The values that the University has given me are knowledge, organisation and knowing how to prioritise. But, above everything else, to put “people first.” In fact, the University demonstrated this last value with me personally, by allowing me to reconcile my work position in the company with my studies. I am very grateful for this flexibility that helped me so much."

"Being among the 25 Alumni is a compliment. It takes me back to my years as a student in which it was a privilege to acquire knowledge and put it into practice in my work life the same time."

Health Sciences

Cristina Naqui Xicota

Doctoral student at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Spaulding Neuromodulation Laboratory, Harvard University Boston, USA.

Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing 2014

“Being one of the 25 Alumni representing the University on its 25th anniversary is a honour and at the same time, a responsibility. Football fans would say ‘I have it in my blood.’ I feel that I have UIC Barcelona in my blood, what I experienced and learned during university time is always with me.”

“All the knowledge from the classes. But above all, the importance of perseverance, hard work, sacrifice and motivation. I was never a student with distinctions, but if there is one thing life has taught me is that this doesn’t determine how much you can come to know about a subject. In fact, the only two subjects that I failed in my degree programme are the subjects that incited the most passion and today, I am very fortunate to share them with my students. Because with hard work, commitment, perseverance and enthusiasm, these two subject became my world: obstetric and gynaecological treatments.”

Cristina Naqui
Ana Maria Zamorano

Ana María Zamorano Espinosa

Head of the Avantis Early Childhood Education Centre Barcelona, Spain.

Bachelor’s Degree in Education, graduating class of 2006

“It is both an honour and a responsibility to among the 25 Alumni chosen. An honour to have been chosen from among so many students. I am sure that some of them could have been chosen as well. And a responsibility to represent an institution for which I have a very special affection.”

“To the current students and future alumni, be people who are different, let the impact of UIC Barcelona be seen in your daily work. This is the way to show your gratitude for all the University has given you.” “In the beginning, perhaps somewhat fearful as I started my career several years after I had finished secondary school and I had young children, I saw that it was possible to reach my desired goal. UIC Barcelona helped me to consolidate values such as responsibility, diligence, kindness, punctuality, rigour at work, honesty, and the supernatural vision of life.”

Mariona Guerrero

Nurse. Healthcare Coordinator at CUIDES UIC Barcelona Healthcare Coordinator at CUIDES UIC Barcelona Barcelona, España.

Nursing, 2001

It is an honour to represent the University on its 25th anniversary. A university that has grown remarkably. Not only in offering of bachelor’s degrees, postgraduate or master's degrees, but also in prestige. There is an increasing number of alumni who are present in the work world, and it is remarkable to see how the University makes a difference in the value of someone who has been able to study here.”

“UIC Barcelona was only one year old when I started the nursing programme. I belong to the second graduating class. Everyone had their eyes on the students and the institution. I always perceived the desire to do things well, to transmit to students the passion for a profession, the rigour of knowledge and the dream of becoming people able to shine light in our discipline.”

“It is important for students to be aware that they are part of something great: a community with essence, prestige and internationality that will bring them great wealth.”

Mariona Guerrero
Joan Marques

Joan Marqués

Technical Education Advisor and Project Manager at Lalmba Association Etiopía.

Education, 2013

“My time at UIC Barcelona was an enriching experience. The personalised attention from the teachers and the small groups were decisive in getting the most out of the classes. Teamwork is fundamental in my work and group work at the university helped to strengthen my interpersonal and communication skills.”

“I have consolidated values such as leadership, perseverance, cooperation and assertiveness. These values are essential in my day-to-day to lead Ethiopian and Kenyan teams and achieve the goals in spite of the daily challenges.”

“The university stage is one of the best in life and it passes very quickly. I encourage students to live it intensely, to devote the necessary time to training as professionals, but also as people. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the University to build friendships and make interesting professional ties for the future.”

Patrick Saliba

CEO at PScoaching for public speaking and medical director at Vesismin health. Barcelona, Spain.

Master's Degree in Health Management 2018. PhD in Health Sciences 2018

“Being a UIC Barcelona alumni is an honour. And representing the University knowing that great people came through here before me is a great honour.”

“The University’s values of service to others, academic excellence and social commitment are together with Christian humanism what define my time at UIC Barcelona. Fundamental ideals that I can bring to society and my daily work.”

“I cooperate in the day to day at the University with the same naturalness that I help an acquaintance or family member. Giving back what I have received, as a teacher or as a lecturer in different talks, is part of the commitment DNA I share with the University: making a better world through the society we live in. Aiming for excellent training and quality research.”

Patrick Saliba
Cristina Pérez

Cristina Pérez Torra

Dentist, clinic and RX equipment manager at CMO Sanident Barcelona, Spain

Dentistry, 2016

"Becoming a dentist was not my dream. I didn’t start when I was 18, like most people. In 2008, in the middle of a crisis, I got married. At the time, I was a designer, and the crisis affected the design sector significantly. That was when I decided to bounce back into the world of dentistry, and ended up studying at UIC Barcelona with my first daughter who was just five months old. A journey that was not easy, but well worth it."

"I started studying with a five-month-old baby girl, and I finished my studies with a four-and-a-half-year-old, a baby, and was pregnant with my third child when I graduated. Despite the circumstances, I was fortunate to have a teaching staff and colleagues who welcomed everyone and helped whoever needed help to carry on with their studies."

"The University allowed me to go beyond just the going back and forth from home to class or do my practices. I was able to do anthropology and ethics courses, which have helped make us somewhat more human in our day to day at work."

Ignacio Blasi

Private practice in Barcelona and Virginia, USA Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics, active member of the Edward H. Angle Society, USA and Associate Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore MD, USA.

Dentistry, 2007

"Being selected as one of the 25 Alumni is an honour that fills me with gratitude. It is an occasion to inspire other students and future professionals to pursue their goals with passion, dedication and ethics. Moreover, to convey the message that the values and knowledge acquired at the University are fundamental to achieving success not only in the professional career, but also in building a more just and supportive society."

"My experience at the University was enriching both in academics and in my personal development. During my time at UIC Barcelona, I received a high quality education in dentistry, which gave me a solid foundation of knowledge and skills. The values of academic excellence, social commitment and ethics also promoted at the University have been fundamental in my professional development."

Ignacio Blasi
Eduardo Saman

Eduardo Saman

Data Scientist at ZeCardio Therapeutic. Barcelona, Spain

Bioengineering, 2022

"My current professional career reflects the guidance I received from my teachers and the support of my colleagues throughout my education. Each of my university experiences lead to my personal and professional growth. The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya goes beyond the classrooms and the university environment; it encourages ethics and a commitment to good."

"I believe it is important to maintain friendships and contact with the University, especially when your family is more than 7,258 km away. I consider some of them as brothers and sisters and their families, as my family in Barcelona. Hence the importance, to have friends and an unconditional support network that are not only with you for university projects, but are also there to share those special moments."

Lucía Enríquez Muñoz

- PIR Candidate at the Persever Academy. Barcelona, Spain

Psychology, 2022

"Looking back at my time at the University, I learned a lot about the most technical aspects of psychology and also about the importance of always keeping in mind that we work with people. The person who comes to our office with a specific symptomatology or complex situation that also comes with a life story and suffering that we must consider. We must try to give them the necessary tools to relieve the symptoms or the situation, helping them to recover or improve their functionality in social, work, academic or other settings."

"Since I finished my degree in June and began studying for the PIR the following month, I have stayed in touch with some of the teachers at the University who would keep tabs on me and ask how my I was doing in terms of preparation and motivation. I really appreciated their concern and interest."

Lucia Enriquez

Engineering and Architecture

Jonathan Arnabat

Jonathan Arnabat Vila

Architect, Founding Partner at Arquitectura-G. Barcelona, España.

Architecture, 2006

“Before graduating, I founded the professional office Arquitectura-G together with three former students of the University, Jordi Ayala Bril, Igor Urdampilleta and Aitor Fuentes. Since the beginning of our studies at ESARQ, we have maintained a strong friendship and shared a professional journey that is still underway, and that will probably last for many years to come.”

“After my graduation in 2005 and until 2017, I was also part of the teaching team of the school of architecture and taught first-year classes in Projects and Construction subjects. I believe that my contribution as a former student was valuable for the students as I was able to pass on my recent university experience and provide them with study tools. At the same time, I had the opportunity to start my professional career without losing my ties to the academic world.”

Anton Larsen

Director at MASS Design Group. Gashora, Rwanda.

Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, graduating class of 2012.

“Work and dedication were the fundamental values that were taking root during my university years. Balancing coursework, projects, and extracurricular activities required discipline, time management, and perseverance. My time at the University taught me the importance of setting goals, being diligent, and honouring commitment even when facing obstacles.”

“Solidarity and a sense of social responsibility were other integral aspects of my university experience. Classes like international cooperation, vertical workshops, or even some projects with community initiatives taught me the importance of empathy and compassion. This awakened the desire to make a positive impact on society, not only as an architect creating beautiful spaces but also as a defender of social needs and sustainability.”

Ricardo Gonzalvo

Ricardo Gonzalvo Bover

- Partner & Design Director at SOG design, Singapore

Architecture, 2008

"Looking back and seeing that the decision to study architecture at UIC Barcelona was the right one. It has been 15 years since graduation, and 21 years since I began school. I fondly remember the years of curiosity, great friendships and very good professionals to follow."

"As the name UIC Barcelona indicates, the international character catapulted me beyond the peninsula after working in Barcelona, and on to Scotland and finally to finish as a partner and project manager in Singapore, for SOG design."

"I remember what Vicenç Sarrablo said during the 2008 graduation ceremony, when he exhorted us to not only to be good architects, but to be good architects, that is, good people, key in a profession as humane as ours."