08 Mar Know the Equality Unit
The Equality Office of UIC Barcelona was approved by the Executive Committee of the Governing Board of the University on 17 June 2019.
True to its ideology, UIC Barcelona remains firm its commitment to equal opportunities and the principle of non-discrimination. With this in mind, the Equality Office aims to ensure the improvement of the working conditions of all the workers that make up this institution.
To this end, the Office works on designing proposals to be submitted to the University Governing Board; a task carried out in collaboration with the Department of People Management and the Works Council.
The head of the Equality Office is Dr Consuelo León, director of the Observatory on Family Policies of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies.
With this in mind, the Equality Office aims to ensure the improvement of the working conditions of all the workers that make up this institution.
The Office has carried out training and awareness-raising activities for the entire university community in recent years, networking with the Equality Offices of other Catalan and Spanish universities, and the promotion III Action Plan for Equal Opportunities of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (2022-2026) and the Harassment Protocol, approved by the Governing Board.
The Equality Office also advises the Department of People Management about the implementation of the plan, and collaborates in the collection and analysis of data on reconciliation measures and professional development of women and men at UIC Barcelona. It also offers support for consultations and worker initiatives, in the future will design equality and reconciliation training for teaching and administrative staff and the entire university community.
The Equality Office also advises the Department of People Management about the implementation of the plan, and collaborates in the collection and analysis of data on reconciliation measures and professional development of women and men at UIC Barcelona.
UIC Barcelona is part of the Maternity and Academia group. It has also one of the many Catalan universities that have signed an agreement with the Government on the State Pact against Gender Violence.
As a result of the presence of the Equality Office in various commissions such as as the Inter-University Council of Catalonia’s Women and Science Committee of the Government of Catalonia, UIC Barcelona is part of the Maternity and Academia group. It has also one of the many Catalan universities that have signed an agreement with the Government on the State Pact against Gender Violence.
All the Equality Office initiatives are available on the website and they can be contacted by email at igualtat@uic.es.