28 Feb Dr Conrado Aparicio leads new SCOI research group
Conrado Aparicio, an expert in the science and engineering of dental biomaterials is leading this new research group together with a team of researchers from various areas of dentistry to focus on the design and development of advanced, innovative and effective biomaterials that contribute to the improvement of the prevention and treatment of oral infections.
Oral infections are at the forefront of infectious diseases in the world, with a remarkably high and potentially serious incidence, which presents serious consequences for the general and oral health of people throughout their lives. In order to develop solutions to prevent these pathologies, detect risk factors and study their association with systemic diseases, the group led by Dr Conrado Aparicio is composed of dentists specialised in periodontics, orthodontics, paediatric and operative dentistry, as well as biomedical engineers and doctoral students.
SCOI is composed of dentists specialised in periodontics, orthodontics, paediatric and operative dentistry, as well as biomedical engineers and doctoral students.
Dr Aparicio is part of the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) as an associate researcher and is a member of the College of Experts of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAEMB).
He joined the Faculty of Dentistry of UIC Barcelona in 2021 as part of the FBA Fellows programme promoted by the Bosch Aymerich Foundation. Dr Aparicio is part of the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) as an associate researcher and is a member of the College of Experts of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAEMB). Last year Conrado Aparicio took possession of the post of full professor of the Faculty of Dentistry in the area of Research, obtaining the maximum academic recognition within the university.