28 Feb CUO: A clinic where social commitment and knowledge transfer come together
Any reference to the Faculty of Dentistry must also include the University Clinic of Dentistry (CUO), an essential part in the comprehensive training of future dentists. It is a space where students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, not only put into practice their theoretical and technical knowledge, but also have the opportunity to learn about the most human aspect of dentistry, focussing on the patient as a person.
Located on the Sant Cugat Campus, the CUO has 88 booths and has the most innovative technologies to offer personalised treatments for each patient, from children to adults. Supervised by teachers, undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s students design and perform treatments within the various specialisations of oral health. Supervised by teachers, undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s students design and perform treatments within the various specialisations of oral health.
As a university, one of our main objectives is to train our students with the commitment of social responsibility towards the groups that need it most.”
In addition to being a centre for the generation and transfer of knowledge, as a university clinic the CUO also facilitates the social commitment of the Faculty and the University to materialise. One clear example is the collaboration with the Invulnerables programme for the past two years to treat oral problems of children at risk of social exclusion. Another is the agreement signed with the City of Sant Cugat to offer an oral review service for users of social services, so that the University Clinic of Dentistry can provide basic health services to people without resources.
As the dean of the faculty, Dr Lluís Giner explains, “as a university, one of our main objectives is to train our students with the commitment of social responsibility towards the groups that need it most.” Josep M. Garcia-Navas, manager of the University Clinic of Dentistry, adds that “collaborations like those we have with the Invulnerables programme or with the City of Sant Cugat give our students the opportunity to discover other realities of dentistry and discover the importance of dealing with the patient and respect for the person behind each dental pathology.”