06 Oct Speech from the Rector
The rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, inaugurated the 2022-2023 academic year with a final speech in which he thanked especially all those who contributed in reaching this point, the University from its origins to present and looked towards the future, highlighting the great challenges facing UIC Barcelona.
For Méndiz, the 25th anniversary is an opportunity to “look back” to the origins of the University and learn more about its roots, and see “what gives meaning to its work.” In this line, he explained the committed to “innovation that drives and mobilises us, and identity that provides light and direction,” because identity without innovation is disease, and innovation without identity is disintegration.”
The Rector continued, “During these years, many challenges have been overcome, but the University cannot settle “with what has been achieved, or with routine forms of teaching, or with outdated lines of research,” but must continue to provide “innovation, creativity, generation of ideas, and knowledge.” He added, “This 25th anniversary is an occasion to look back at our origin, our history, to deepen our roots, to rediscover who we are and what gives meaning to our work: innovation that drives and mobilises us and the identity that provides light and guidance. Both are necessary and absolutely compatible. Because identity without innovation is sclerosis. And innovation without identity is disintegration.”
The Rector listed the five main challenges that the University is taking on in this 2022-2023 academic year: excellent research, internationality, the creation of postgraduate and continuing education programs, the development of a strong social and interdisciplinary commitment.